How to enlarge penis for teenagers: increase penis size

A 10-15 year old boy is already a man, although it is not fully formed yet. But during this period, teenagers began to consider the size of their penis, worrying about whether everything is normal, and whether the size of the penis is normal.

Parents and adolescents need to understand the physical development of boys and how long the penis should grow between 15-17 years old, so that they can detect deviations from normalcy in time and take necessary measures. After all, the size of the penis is an important part of any man's private life.

In view of this, it is necessary to figure out how the penis grows during puberty, and what to do if there is a deviation from the normal indicators? In addition, the aspect of penis enlargement during adolescence is worth considering. What are the risks?

How do young people develop?

Teens who wish to enlarge their penis

All boys start puberty at different times, and this situation is based on the individual characteristics of adolescents. On average, puberty occurs between 10-15 years of age. However, in many cases, delayed sexual development is possible, which is related to the characteristics of boys.

But in other cases, the delay may be a signal of hormonal imbalance, so the amount of male hormones in the body is reduced. In this case, it is necessary to see a doctor immediately for examination.

Because it is the amount of male hormones that directly affects the growth and development of the genitals, the following changes will occur during puberty:

  1. The boy's voice became deep and harsh.
  2. Genital growth and development.
  3. The skeleton is formed according to the male type, and the boy "becomes" a man.
  4. Hair appears on the face, groin area.

If at least one of these signs does not exist, it can indicate a deviation from the specification, so some processing is required. If the penis does not grow, then the doctor may recommend hormone therapy to normalize the level of male hormones in the body.

Penis size according to the age of adolescence:

  • The size of the penis when erected at 12-13 years old is 10-13 cm, and at rest is 6-7 cm.
  • The size of the penis at 15 years old is 13 to 15 cm in the erect state and 7 to 9 cm in the relaxed position.
  • Members aged 16-17 are about 16-18cm upright and 8-7cm at rest.

If puberty progresses normally, then the active growth of the penis takes place at the age of 16-17. By the age of 18, the size of the penis may change slightly, or even become smaller, because the penis will become thicker.

In medical practice, there have been cases where the reproductive organs continue to grow until the age of 20-22, but this is rare and the size changes little.

Why do teenagers want to enlarge their penis?

Girl estimates the size of a man's penis

In today's high-tech world, it is no secret that even any teenager can view any information. Of course, pornographic films receive the most attention during adolescence.

The boy met enough actors, the parameters were impressive, and he began to produce complexes, thinking that his reproductive organs were small, and was looking for a solution to this problem.

It is worth mentioning that during sexual development, the penis is actively growing, and if any measures are taken to increase it, it can even slow down the growth rate of the penis. Actual problems have arisen, how do you explain to teenagers why the penis cannot be enlarged?

  1. First, the boy needs to provide medical size information to prove that everything is normal and there is no abnormality.
  2. Secondly, it should be noted that the size of the penis is an individual's physiological characteristics, and each person's penis has its own anatomical shape and parameters.
  3. Third, talk about the factors that affect the genitals.

For a long time, people have identified many factors that affect the growth and development of the penis. The most common differences are as follows:

  • The amount of male hormones in the body during puberty.
  • The level of hormones in the mother's body during pregnancy.
  • Chronic diseases, endocrine disorders.
  • The quality of food, the environment.
  • Genetic.

It has been proven that testosterone directly affects the size of the penis. If during adolescence, the body's hormones are imbalanced, leading to insufficient male hormones, then the possibility of a smaller penis is very high.

It can be said that, vice versa, the normal or slightly excessive amount of sex hormones during puberty will have a positive impact on the growth and development of the male penis in the future.

Many chronic diseases and endocrine disorders affect certain body systems and cause testosterone levels to drop. Therefore, it is very important to treat all diseases in a timely manner.

Is there a safe way to make young people grow up?

Exercise helps adolescent penis enlargement

As we all know, nutritional quality has an indirect effect on the development of reproductive organs. Food is the "building material" for human growth and development. If any elements are missing, this situation will have a negative impact on development.

An active lifestyle is also important because it has been shown that there is a negative correlation between the weight and size of the penis. Among the obese representatives of the strong sex, the penis is always visually smaller than it actually is. Based on this information, the penis of adolescents can be enlarged in two ways:

  1. Best physical activity.
  2. Correct and balanced nutrition.

Exercise is not only good for the growth of the penis, but also good for the whole body. The doctor recommends swimming (to exercise all muscle groups), cycling, jogging and other sports that you like. A teenager can sign up for various departments, where he will not only practice, but also gain confidence and forget the idea of a small penis.

As for food, people have long known that greasy and unhealthy food has a negative effect on the human body. It is necessary to add the following foods to the diet to enlarge the penis:

  • Lean red meat.
  • Dairy products.
  • Red fish, seafood.
  • Eggs, caviar.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits.

It is important to reduce the intake of salt, candy, carbonated beverages, junk food-potato chips, biscuits, etc. , and prefer protein foods and foods rich in fiber, beneficial trace elements and substances.

It is also worth noting that if adolescents smoke, then this will have a negative impact on the growth of the penis. Nicotine and tar penetrate into the body, adversely affecting the blood vessels, causing them to lose their natural elasticity and firmness, thereby affecting the blood circulation of the body, including the blood circulation of the pelvis. organ.

When summarizing all the information, it is important to know what penis size should be at a given age is necessary in order to correct deviations from the norm in time. Teenagers should remember that as they grow and develop, the penis will also become larger, so there is no need to enlarge the penis.