How is it possible to increase the size of the penis?

Surgery of increase of a male's genitals, with each passing year are more and more popular.

But not each young man can't afford to make costly procedure, therefore, methods of penis enlargement you need to search the Internet and other sources.

how to increase the size of the penis

The push factors increase the size of the penis at home or in the clinic, more common, dissatisfaction of partner, psychological causes.

If you really increase?

Discuss if it is possible to enlarge your cock at home. In the first place, you need to decide with your size if your penis length 14-18 inches, and the diameter in the range of 3-4 centimeters, then the problem is psychological in nature, and do not worry.

Discover how you can enlarge the cock to home in case, when he was firmly decided to add a couple of inches:

  1. The surgery (rather risky manner and at the same is very expensive, so, when possible, it is best to choose one of the bezoperatsionnaya ways).
  2. Extender (a special device for penis enlargement).
  3. Water (half-empty stretching the fabric).
  4. Spray or cream for penis enlargement in the house (and temporarily increase the penis).
  5. Massage and masturbation (very similar between them, and the methods are based on the shoulder and pulling the fabric of the structure).
If the result is needed in the shortest time possible, it is recommended to combine simultaneously several different methods, how to enlarge your penis at home. In all combinations the combination of all of the ways that do not apply drugs and creams.

How to increase in the house?

Many men are very skeptical on what can be almost the means at hand to make the member more at home. To refute this idea, should more details to consider each of the methods, how to enlarge penis at home.

And then every young man, choosing appropriate methods of penis enlargement at home, is to act alone, in accordance with the guidelines.


how to increase penis size methods

This special an ancient technique that was used in the Middle East.

The name the most known – technology milking.

That is, it is a massage technique that warms the tissues and makes them more to the stretching.

Dilution manual impact on the manhood if done correctly, the results are significant, and know how to enlarge the cock of the domestic plants at home.

To perform the manipulation in the first place, you need to buy a lubricant (preferably with warming effect) and only then move on to the action.

There are different techniques, how to enlarge penis at home.

Starting Jelqing, the male sexual organ should not be completely erect. For example, the erection must be not more than 60%.

Genital organ of male is composed of tissues cavernosa, that with the largest circulation become dry for the expansion.

Already after a couple of months of intense training the penis during erection increases significantly.

Exercise for stretching the tissues of your penis

  1. Before increasing the sex organ in the house, it is necessary to preheat the member. This is done to improve the elasticity of the tissue. For this you need to heat a little bit of salt and pour it into a cloth bag, then apply to the sexual organ.
  2. After the heating, it is necessary to cause the appearance of erection, but to get excited, he need not at full power, and about half of it. Necessarily using a special grease.
  3. Then you need to tighten the base of the penis in a ring from her finger, and stretching up to the head, as if stretching.
  4. Directly to the head of the penis cover is not worth it. On the first point, you can start from forty geminum, and further increase their number up to two hundred.


A very popular method, how to enlarge your penis at home, which requires absolutely no financial cost (probably used by most people). The main advantage of this method consists not only in an increase of size, but the strengthening of power.

Before taking a big cock in the house, introduction to the massage movements, it is necessary to heat the penis. For this need to warm decoction or herbal, and a soft towel.

Hot towel is applied for a couple of minutes to an organ, in this way, the steam bath, which makes the fabric more flexible attacks. This in turn will enable to achieve the most remarkable results from the massage.

Massage techniques to increase penis at home divided into two directions – the impact on the body in an excited state, and the impact on the relaxed member. All the procedures will be based on stretching.

To start the procedure, it is necessary a little to excite the organ, and then start cutting on it. After the cover in your hand pull the penis forward, and then pull it towards the opposite side.

These actions may be repeated in different directions. It may also be, by flexing the body, rotate them counter-clockwise.

Creams and gels to enhance virility

Still as it is possible to enlarge your cock at home? The pharmaceutical industry is not in place and offers men of all funds for the growth of the penis.

By making use of external means, it is possible to get a temporary result. Once you ask the question, why is a temporary effect? Everything is very simple, in fact, after you apply on the penis of the gel is heating, so the blood of the reinforcement in increasing body.

Also, for a gain of power are connected to the active components (most often glycine, l-arginine, ginseng, and ginger). Then, use this penis enlargement method is recommended directly before the sexual intercourse.

The duration of action is approximately three hours. As a result, the man will receive incredible erection, increase in size of about half centimeter and a bright orgasm through enhancing the sensitivity.

If you think not only about their satisfaction, but also for your partner, you should pay particular attention to the means to strengthen the power. No girl will be able to forget, as the powerful unyielding phallus came the powerful shock.


how to increase the size of your penis in direct

As it turned out, to receive pleasure alone is still possible and with the use. Masturbation is very similar with massage and Jelqing technique. Because it is based also on the shoulder of the tissues and stretching.

Before enlarge your cock home so, it is recommended to apply on the body fat and start to habitually masturbate. Then, when will a full erection, by performing a movement from the bottom to the top, pause for a bit and pulling on the cock. It can also be a bit of press in the area near the head, which will lead to an increase in blood flow.

Hydraulic pump, to add inches

It is a special device that creates a pressure around the penis, and then, by increasing the flow of blood. Consequently, the body become more solid, improving the flow of blood.

Vacuum the pump can also be used in the total absence of erection. This method, how to increase the sexual organ of a house is considered to be one of the safest and most effective.

Applying regularly this way it is possible for a couple of months maybe penis enlargement at home in 2-3 inches, and also make the penis thicker.

A popular way

Unfortunately, the increase in a member's home in order to popular funds, will not happen, but the power, and sometimes intensify, and simply giving you an unforgettable experience.

For this you need to collect special herbs together, which will improve the blood flow in the penis. The main enhancers of erection are considered to be ginseng, hawthorn, ginkgo biloba.

To prolong the coitus, it is necessary to take the mother tincture of wild oats.

Not less important to review your diet to include products for penis enlargement, and that is of coriander and parsley. Instead the preparation is recommended to drink a decoction of thyme.

The secrets of people's ways to enlarge your cock home made recipe.

  1. An infusion of garlic.This tool is need to take every day for twenty drops. Prepare the minced garlic, poured vodka in a couple of days and left in a dark place) or purchased in a pharmacy.
  2. Pharmacological pulmonary. This herbal remedy is necessary to add in all the vegetables. The second option in the receiving – in the form of a tincture.For the preparation you need to ten grams of dry grass pour boiling water and leave for two hours. In fact, the preparation you need to take a tablespoon of not less than three times per day.
  3. Walnuts with the honey. The desserts, as it turned out, not only tasty and healthy for the whole body, but also a positive effect on the growth of the penis in the house.For the preparation of a pharmacological mixture need to grind nuts and drizzle with the honey. Accepted this means three times a day immediately before a meal.
  4. Tea of thyme. Is taken the dried herb and pour a glass of boiling water.This infusion can drink pure or diluted.

But, in the search for effective methods, how to enlarge your dick does not get out of the house it is necessary to carefully experiment. For example, there is a controversial topic, with the help of sodium bicarbonate can increase the manhood is very fast.

Despite the fact that there are also clear instructions for the use of sodium bicarbonate for the purpose of penis enlargement, it is more like a publicity stunt, which leads to the history of a single medication. In fact, applying the baking soda you can hardly achieve any noticeable effect.

So, if you decide to enlarge the penis, then the best solution are considered to be methods that are based on massage techniques, competent how to correctly enlarge your cock at home.