Increase penis at home

Men who want to increase the size of the penis, in front of a choice between the transactions that have come from the ancient techniques developed in the last few decades drugs and devices. However, the majority of the representatives of the stronger sex has a special interest in a penis enhancement at home, and then the revision surgery excludes, and consider only those methods that it is possible, without disturbing the normal mode of life and remaining active, enlarge your penis at home, if you want or need, keeping the secret lesson accumulation of the size of the penis.

Increase penis at home with the extender

increase penis at home

Extender – special penis enlargement device, that secures the body in tension. Wear extender daily for 6-8 hours with breaks, in three divided doses. On condition of compliance with a specified period of time to wear the extender gives the effect after six months. The gain you get up to 30% of the initial length. The thickness of the penis when you are wearing the device also increases, because the training load is distributed across the surface of the organ.

The principle of operation of an extender. The Extender works in the same way, like the rings of growth around the long neck of the girls with exotic tribes. The principle is the following: part of the body, the watch is in tension, begins to grow in size. This happens due to a defensive reaction of the organism to the cellular level — to avoid the rupture of the tissues, the cells tend to be more division, filling the elongated space.

Increase penis at home, pump or hydro-pump

Hydraulic — a device acting on the penis with the help of vacuum. The penis under the influence of air "inflated" from the inside, fills with blood to the maximum, and with the passing of time grows in size, a condition of stretching.

The hydraulic pump will vary in air and hydro-hydraulic pump.

Air pump is considered obsolete due to insecurity: the rarefied air, inflicting injuries in the form of bruises and hematomas. The time to sport with the air pump is limited.

In hydro-hydraulic instead of air is used water, that does not inflict damage to sexual organ. Use hydro-hydraulic pump can be much longer than air. This gives more possibilities to increase your penis forever, and not for the time, as well as the main condition to obtain a result of sufficient duration of the employment relationship. However, a pump for penis enlargement at home is not enough. This device is used as a tool additional to massage or a special device, and it works more on length and not on the quantity.

Increase penis at home through massage

Jelking, massage for growth of a member, has marked the popularity thanks to the Internet. This works technique at hand, it is proven since ancient times. In the arab countries, the children of the nobility in the annex to the massage with a young age, and the growing body of a cute, exercise, and the effect will be better. But even adults get the result, with some effort. The disadvantage of this massage — every day there are required hours of the lesson. In this sense, massage the lower device — the operating principle is the same, but the extender "unleash" the hands and leaves time for other things.

On the forum on the internet specialist discussed gel, creams, Supplements, hormones to the enlargement of the penis and also the sodium bicarbonate. But it has not yet been officially recorded male penis enlargement associated with the use of external funds, vitamins or tablets.

how to enlarge cock at home

Exclusion — violation of hormonal development in the pediatric age group. In this case, endocrinologist assigns injections of male hormones, including and in the penis, causing the growth of this organ. An adult male hormones, but still allocated I am not a doctor, only evil.

Creams, gels, and other external means to cause short-term increase in the size of the penis associated with a high content of blood.

Then an increase of the penis in the home is possible, and this is not up for discussion; among the methods listed, both free and pay, giving in combined form a greater and more rapid the effect. Arm yourself with patience and proceed to the massage course, of a duration of not less than one year, or buy an extender and get the results already after six months, each shall adopt a decision by yourself.